Friday, October 10, 2008

Fill in

Anybody else find it strange that another state rep would fill in for another state rep. at a candidates forum? And that person got equal time as the actual candidates?


Anonymous said...

Yes, a little strange. At the beginning it seemed to me that O'Neal was giving more statistics about Kelley and how she had voted. However at the end, especially regarding the 2nd amendment question, it appeared as if he made no attempt to enlighten the audience about Kasha's views or past voting record. They might agree, but he didn't relay that as well as he did at the beginning of the session.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do. It must not have been to her advantage to show up....

Anonymous said...

It appears to me that Kasha Kelley doesn't want to be in a position to have to answer questions.

Curious said...

This isn't the first time that she's been a "no-show" at an event like this.

No one should be surprised at who she sent in her place. Another KRA delegate that offered little or no new information about the direction of the Far Right. No change there...and no change with Kasha Kelley.

Sad that so many folks still believe in her.

A bigger question is: why would event organizers allow her to send in a surrogate? This was a forum for candidates in this area. Oneal doesn't represent us...and neither should Kelley. This snub of kids and civic leaders speaks volumes.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she was busy doing something more important that campaigning? Have you thought of that? She is the current State Representative after all. She doesn't have all the free time in the world like her opponent does.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was very odd that she had a stand in. They're two different people and we want to hear what she has to say, Not what he had to say. I thought it was crappy that they let him talk!! I also found out that she hasn't been to the last 3 debates. She must think she has this in the bag, Why else would she not show up? But I hope she knows that she's hurting herself with me, Because she's showing that she doesn't care about the "little debates"... I bet she'll make darn sure she's at Arkalalah. What a joke, She must think we're stupid.

I'm glad that you brought this issue up, Because other people posted on another Traveler blog about this and got jumped on. She couldn't come because of "state business"- But people failed to see that wasn't the issue- The stand in was. I guess there are some supporters that are getting really nasty. Slander and smearing are very ugly things- But a reality of elections, Right?

bytedaily said...

I absolutely agree!

Can anyone tell me if Kasha and Gene have debated in person?

Anonymous said...

I think they are appearing at Rotary today. Probably as I type this.

Anonymous said...

Kasha doesn't think you are stupid, but that doesn't mean you aren't. Busy people can't make it to every event. Duh. There were probably 10 conflicting events the weekend of Oct. 4th. Did you make it to every one? I didn't think so. If you did have legitimate questions, it would be mighty high of you to actually ask her yourself instead of pretending to be interested and then complaining because her standin made your guy look bad.

Anonymous said...

This link is a good insight into the nasty liberals that don't like Kasha and why they act the way they do.

Anonymous said...

Give me a break. Getting a stand in is respectful to those holding the debate and the folks that come to it. I've seen Kelly at various debates. I attended the one in Wellington this year and Gene was a no show. Dont see you beefing about that. Where were you? Did you have a CONFLICT?

Anonymous said...

Ah... yes, And what exactly HAS Kasha done? Oh wait, On the pamplet I got said that she ran out of room while listing her accomplishments , LOL Umm yeah because you used the biggest print you could find to make up for a awful record. I think she's the one looking bad, And her supporters. You guys bash and slander. She harrasses people by phone, Going to their houses... You don't see Gene doing that OR his supporters.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure this is the first debate Kasha has missed. She hasn't been able to get to all the great parades and events in the county, but she i believe she has been at the forums/debates.

Anonymous said...

I do believe not only angry pills but some truth serum is in order. The very things you accuse Kasha and her supporters of are the very things said about Gene and his supporters. Hummmmmm....very interesting. I think you are hanging out with curious too much and you both need to look closer at the truth.

Anonymous said...

Spin spin spin- It was her 3RD debate that she has missed. She just doesn't care about the little people, She's above us, Thank God Gene is ONE of us.

Something that I praise Gene on, At the debate, You know the one that she had a "fill in" there to speak for her... He said something that no one else said. Everyone else said that here in our county we haven't started feeling the effects of a bad economy yet.. Gene was the only one that said he disagreed.... He made me see him as a person who gets it and understands it... He mentioned higher gas and food..ect. He knows what the average people in this town are feeling. Kasha is WAY out of touch. I think she's forgotten how she got to where she's at.

Anonymous said...

Guess that's what makes election campaigns interesting -- from my point of view, Gene is the one that's out ot touch with the community. Kasha's roots (and loyalty) run very deep in Ark City.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you REALLY don't know Kasha's history. I promise you, she DOES know what its like to be in a tight financial situations! And, she very much knows and identifies with what we're all dealing with.... she was NOT born with a 'silver spoon'. Above all, her work ethic is STRONG -- exceeding most of ours; I've never known anyone who works harder or is more concientious!