Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Gene's money

Is here You'll have to find the 79th race and download the PDF


Anonymous said...

Why did you have to make a whole new thread, It's your blog- But why couldn't you've just posted it on the other one saying that it was up now.

And- Boy the Traveler sure made out this year.

Anonymous said...

Who pays for the attack ads put out by the democratic party that I have been inundated with the last couple of weeks? I had three attack ads against Abrams in my box today (and one that wasn't an attack for Burr). I guess it's the price I am having to pay for changing my voter registration to independent.

Anonymous said...

You will have to endure a ton more attacks in the next 6 days. Now that Burr's campaign is out of money all they will have to throw at the race is mud. I'm sure there was some meeting where Sally commanded all of the troops to run to the free blogs to make as much todo about nothing as possible.

Anonymous said...

So now we're attacking candidates spouses? I think Kelley supporters have hit a new low- Thank you so much for proving my point. I know for a fact that this isn't the first time she has been attacked on here and it's getting old.... She's not running for office, Don't attack her with your hatred.

Curious said...


Don't let the facts get in the way of your blinded perception.

"Attacking" a record? Or pointing out voting records? Are you suggesting the facts aren't relevant?

I see...

And you're "sure" of some meeting where the wife of a candidate (likely his most ardent supporter-as she should be- and has been for 49 years) commanded others to act like you??? Have any factual evidence? Now who's slinging the mud?

We know you can't help it. It's just in your nature.

Anonymous said...

Calm down Burr supporters, it will all be over soon enough, and then you can all meet somewhere and swap stories about how it was all those dastardly Kelley supporters who caused your candidates downfall.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Kasha mention her spouse? Why are spouses such a big issue for the dems and not for the republicans.

Mr. Burr gets support from his wife and that is a big deal why?? Why are so many people so negative?

How will the candidates really represent the needs of this district. That is the only quesiont that matters.

Anonymous said...

It's all blah blah blah to me. I'm paying attention to one thing and one thing only. Which candidate is most likely to be most effective and represent this area the best. That is what everything boils down to. It will be a welcome relief for everyone when this round of electioneering is over. It is a shame that people won't just run on the issues and leave it at that.

Anonymous said...


"Asked whether the flyers exaggerated the truth, Sebelius spokeswoman Nicole Corcoran said,..."
"Goodwin did not return phone calls for comment."

David. I appreciate you writing this. You let Dr. Abrams have a say.
The Governor's office got involved. I did not know this.
Too bad Mrs. Goodwin did not comment. I would have like to hear what she thinks. Looks like she got a free pass on a lot of questions this election.

mercifully, the election will soon be over.

Anonymous said...

Exactly who's opinion is that wrote on the editoral page of the Traveler about the candidates? Does that mean the Traveler has one mind combined (with the use of a single brain apparently)??? I don't like being told who to vote for and your endorsement of some of these candidates is very offensive- like that you think you have the intelligence or the right to tell us poor uneducated readers who we should vote for. You are supposed to be the unbiased media that provides equal and fair information, but instead you are nothing more than a sellout. Easily bought and biased and you wonder why people would rather buy a larger paper like the Eagle than this weak piece of trash. Yea- they too publish their opinions- but it says that it is opinion and actually has a name tagged to it not printed cowardly like gospel truth with no name taking credit. You'd be better to work for the Globe or Enquirer with the crap you are manufacturing.

Anonymous said...

Well, I think its because Burr's wife puts herself out there spreading negativity. I can tell you as a democrat I find it very undesirable, and will vote accordingly, because while I would rather not vote republican I can appreciate Kelley's record and the proven strides she has made while in office. I have been overwhelmed with calls from the Burr camp and they are not playing fair. They are telling half truths and people are getting tired of being treated like they don't have the intelligence to know the difference. If they want to win a campaign they need to do it with a little integrity instead of throwing daggers at the opposition. When the smoke clears his loss will be the result of him trying to beat Kelley down with false and 1/2 truths rather than show what he potentially could have offered to our community. Kelley's people are focusing on her achievements- not slandering the other candidate. As far as her husband- its a shame for the Burr camp that they can't find anything he has done wrong- he doesn't run his mouth- he quietly supports her run by offering support where needed and not trying to manufacture untruths in order to make her look good. Burr's people could take lessons and maybe they could retain a little party support.

Anonymous said...

oops...just realized 'Big Brother' is moderating- doubt you'll see anything here but his one-sided view.

Anonymous said...

The slams against Mrs. Burr are unfortunate. However, if she would've just given support rather than being his main mouth piece, there would be no critisism.