Thursday, February 4, 2010

Legalize it?

This bill won't go anywhere, but it is also a sign of the times as the trend is toward legalization of marijuana, at least for medical purposes, across the country. In cases where it's happening you don't hear of horrible societal affects. Society seems to be embracing it more and more. The pro-legalize folks claim it's less harmful, even, than alcohol? It's a pretty good argument, considering all the damage drinking does to our society, and philosophically it's hard to be for one drug that can be used recreationally and not another. But whenever I picture a world where marijuana is sold like alcohol, I picture Chech and Chong, or Spicholi in Fast Times at Ridgemont High, and I just can't get myself to approve. Then again, they probably function better after a joint than after a six pack. (Those reference certainly date me. I'm sure readers can list the more modern stoner movies)


Doc Holliday said...

An excerpt from the blog article...

"I'm sure readers can list the more modern stoner movies"

With the use of the word reader in a plural setting, I think you are grossly overestimating your readership.

Have a day;|

Ray at said...

If one can put THC into a pill form and prescribe it then maybe I wouldn't mind, but I agree with you about the whole fast times at richmont high remark. Alot of people complain about beer being legal and weed not being legal. But if we look at all of the problems ascociated with alcohol in this country, and it's legal, then why would we want to compound that problem with another? And before anyone says that weed is not as harmful as alcohol, just remember that one joint has four times the carciogens that one ciggarette does, and we know how many people die from that every year.

SG said...

There is a pill form that the state is trying to outlaw right now. I keep hearing commercials on the radio. It's called K2, and helps people cope with many issues, including pain management.

SG said...

Okay, I went to the website, and it has no THC, and is not marijuana, yet some people have said it gives the user a "high" when taking it. The state wants to ban it.

I say if it helps people, why ban it... simply make it available by perscription only.

Ray at said...

Here is an interesting article on marinol, a legal pill form of pot.

Check it out and then maybe we can scrap the whole argument about legalizing marijuana.

Anonymous said...

Wow! maybe somebody should ask the people who are in pain how they feel about this. The opinions of some backwards hillbillies just doesn't seem to amount to much. IMO. In that regard I am opposed to giving diabetics insulin and definitely deny them a coke or candy bar cause that might lead to a sugar high and OMG what would we do then???? I'm flabbergasted at how half the country can be hooked on pain pills and kids all hopped up on ritalin yet everyone is so ignorantly in fear of a natural harmless lil plant. Yes that GOD put on this earth for all you religious fairytale baffoons. O'well keep illegal. I actually don't mind cause that way the state doesn't profit from it cause it's more tan obvious our leaders don't know how to handle money anyways. Yes that is a charge directed at gov't officials on all levels. Who need Kansas. Go to Colorado and avoid the stupid stereotypes, harassment and punishment. My fav though is all the elite W.A.S.P'S that oppose this, yet sit at home and get hammered drunk though. I say make alcohol illegal again and don't pay for liver treatment for them and don't help the women that live with the abusive alcoholics. Fair is fair in this deny and take our freedoms America. Right?

Anonymous said...

Oooh 1 more: A pill? Yah that 'll do it! Ccause we all wanna be hooked on pills right? That'll solve it!! Synthetics! RETARDED!!! Make more money for drug companies. BBBBBBLLLLLAAHHHHH!

Ray at said...

Two more pot heads blabber on about why they should be able to be pot heads. Harmless little plant? Please. Its a fact that weed has more carinogens than even cigs do, so don't give me that.