Sunday, February 7, 2010

Wingnut of the Week

Goes to the leaders of Iran for executing government protesters, found guilty of "waging war against God."

The extremes of religious fundamentalism are scary.


Ray at said...

I agree with you Dave. Iran is full of wingnuts. Thats why I hope that the president takes a Reagan like stand against them. Seeing how they treat their own people and thinking that it would be acceptable for them to have nukes is a mistake.

Anonymous said...

A "Reagan like stand?" Would he not be labelled weak and a deficit demon by you and yours if he follows Reagan's example of not challenging an opponent face to face, doing things behind closed doors, and spending money like there's no tomorrow? Yeah... I bet you would support that. Get real Ray do some research on your hero.

Ray at said...

Ending ther cold war. Building our military back up to a super power form. Ending an economic recession and transforming the way we look at economics for life. Bringing back pride and patriotism to this country that was lost in the 60's and 70's. stopoing the Iran hostage situation. Mounting the largest land slide victories in history when running for president. considered to be in the top 4 or 5 presidents in our history. Pro military, pro life, pro business, pro American, faithful husband, loving father, and all around great president. I understand why you wouldn't like him.

Anonymous said... are weak on facts, or let me say, weak on making fact-based comments. Let's analyze what you're saying...

1-Ending Cold War- Yes, I agree that this should be on the top of the list. He did it without firing one bullet. Now, be honest...if Obama met behind closed doors with opposing leaders and talked to them rather than threatening them (just like Reagan), would you not be first in line calling him "weak" or "coward?"

2- Super Power Building- At what point after WWII were we not the super power that Reagan "rescued" us from?

3- Ending economic recession – Reagan’s approach was no different than what is going on now. HUGE deficit spending and Corporate tax hikes.

4- Transforming economics – Are you saying that “trickle down economics” was a success?

5- Pride lost in 60’s and 70’s – Are you referring to the war protests? Is it not also patriotic to oppose wars that don’t make any sense? Can you not love your country dearly and disagree with decisions it makes collectively? Wow. That’s a stretch to make a blanket comment like that.

6- Iran hostages- Humm… the history I learned is that Carter did the negotiations and they were released the first day of Reagan’s presidency. How again was Reagan involved? In order to claim this you would have to expose your hero to some shady back room deals (Casey too). Does Iran-Contra ring a bell?

7- Land slide – 1980 was awesome for Reagan. He didn’t have a viable opponent. And we come back to Iran Hostages again…

8- Top 4 or 5 Prez’s - ???? By who? Not even close to "4 or 5" here

9- “Pro-(insert word here)” – And how is Obama “anti-(insert word here)”????

10- I loved Reagan!!!! My problem is that you paint him in a different light than reality.

Again…get real.

Ray at said...

Ronald Reagan did threaten them! Just because he talked to the enemy, does not mean he was over there apologizing to the enemy like our current president does.

Reagan didn't rescue us from a super power, as you assert, he built us back up to one. Yes we were a super power, but in usual lib fashion, the military was cut down by the Carter administration. Reagan built it back up to where it should have been.

Tax hikes? He cut taxes. He slashed them really hard on the supply side. Do your resaerch. The spending was mostly defense spending that was increased.

No such thing as trickle down economics. Thats a liberal term, not an economic one. How do you think jobs are created? From the bottom up?.

Anti Americanism ran crazy back in the 60's and 70's. But I geuss spitting on our soldiers and calling them baby killers is what some would consider patriotic.

Carter was weak. Reagan was not. Have you ever considered that when Reagan was elected that those fools ran scared because they knew he would actually defend our country?

I am real my friend. Reagan was not perfect. But he was a great president. It sounds like you may not have liked as much as you say you do. Also, you can find any lists that will swing the way you want. It's veery easy.

Wes said...

Wow!!! After reading this post, I have to point some things out to both sides, mostly Ray though. Ray, you either are in denial or you just don’t know much about Reagan’s Presidency and “Anon,” there’s no proof that Reagan did anything shady in the hostage or Iran-Contra affairs.

Reagan is considered today to be one of the most conservative presidents in history. People believe this because of his record on the environment, defense spending, and his economic policies. There is no proof that he wandered off the “conservative path” in these 3 areas. I was 10 years old when he ran for President in 1980 and I can remember like it was yesterday listening to him talk about the “conservative revolution.” I asked my dad what that meant and he told me that Reagan was going to cut the size of government and cut taxes. I also remember feeling safe under Reagan, the “you can run, but you can not hide” speech directed to the hijackers blanketed me with comfort (this was around the time of the TV movie “The Day After” came out and everyone feared nuclear war). I agree that he was a great President, mostly because of his ability to communicate with people on both sides of the aisle.

The thing you’re way off base on Ray is when you claim that Reagan cut taxes. He did cut taxes in his first year and it almost bankrupted the country and worsened the recession. That’s why there is no side-stepping the fact that Reagan signed into law every year in office after his first, major tax increases and when faced with the social security crisis, he endorsed a “rescue plan” that was made up of higher taxes. You can try to blame the Democrats for this, but Reagan certainly signed off on them each year with no fight. It’s an impossible feat to attempt to say Reagan believed in the conservative dogma of never raising taxes. He endorsed them. He can not escape TEFRA, the largest tax hike since WWII.

By today’s conservative standards, Reagan would be protested by the TEA party (not provable, but certainly logical) and would flunk the so-called “Conservative test” that the GOP is thinking of introducing to their candidates. Reagan was a great President, but not because of his policies but rather his “politicking.” He did a good job of making us feel proud to be Americans but failed miserably in fulfilling his campaign promises (not even close). He was very liberal at times and very conservative at times. I see a lot of Reagan when I look at Obama. They both were faced with similar situations and took/are taking similar paths with policies.

I would suggest to you both to take heed to one of Reagan’s most famous quotes before making a statement on anything, because both of you are off base at times. "Trust, but verify." Mostly verify what you are saying, he was a wise man.

Ray at said...

I followed you until you compared Reagan to Obama, then I couldn't take you seriously anymore. You have many good points up until that one. I understand that Reagan had to give and take with a democratic congress, but the record still remains the same. Because of the tax cuts that he brought to America during his presidency, that particular recession was fixed. I would like to agree with you on some of the points about his policies when he was in office, but to say that he wouldn't measure up to todays conservative standards is just plain wrong. I am only four years younger than you, so I remember his presidency as well. I agree that he was most conservative on Economics, Defense, and enviromantal policies, but also on family values and good old fashioned American values. I know he wasn't perfect, no one is, but my point was in the beginning of these transactions was that it was my hope that Obama would be more like Reagan when it came to all of those attributes. especialy when it comes to Iran and other issues involving the enemy. Can't help if others don't like my opinion. Also, I don't think anyone can deny that we would be better off with another Reagan like pres. And thank you for bring up the point about Reagan not being guilty of any wrong doing with the whole contra crap. seems like no matter how many times he or Bush Jr. is found innocent, people just can't get over it.

Wes said...

Part 1.

Ray, I will not lower myself to your level by insulting you with a comment like, “I couldn’t take you seriously after you continued to insist that Reagan’s tax cut was the reason why the recession ended or when you said Reagan WOULD measure up to and pass the “purity” test of today’s conservatives, or (insert just about anything else you said here).” I guess today's "conservatives" just like yourself Ray can't avoid abasing themselves by insulting differing opinions, even if they are factual and logical. I know this will be a futile response because I use facts to support my statements and it appears that facts do not matter to the present day conservative like you. They just get in the way of your agenda and talking points.

Yes Ray, his record does stay the same, even though you attempt to change it. Once again, Reagan had massive TAX HIKES in each of the next 7 years after his 1st year in office. Do you remember George H. Bush’s infamous line; “Read my lips, no new taxes?” Why do you think he had to say that? People were pissed about raised taxes for seven yeas in a row. Or wait, does the re-written history you espouse now teach that that comment was directed at Carter? Reagan can’t escape the fact that the federal tax burden increased under his watch and most Americans paid more in taxes than they did before he took office. Plain and simple truth.

As for your claim that Reagan's 1981 tax cuts were responsible for “fixing of the recession,” one has to take that comment with a grain of salt and a dose of reality. The ONLY reason Reagan can take credit for ending the recession that started while he was President is because he got out of the way of Paul Volcker, the Fed at that time. Volcker expanded the money supply in late 1982 (which was widely an unpopular tactic but Volcker had some long-term goals in mind), and a few months later the economy took off. The reason why the tax cuts had nothing to do with it is because they were passed in 1981, and were already in effect by 1982, and as you know (or apparently don’t know) 1982 was the year of the horrific recession.

Reagan’s tax cuts were supposed to have spurred economic recovery from the 1st recession of his Presidency by freeing up the tax dollars of businesses and allowing them to invest them in greater productivity and jobs. But alas, that was just wishful thinking because the investments in production and job creation never happened. The businesses and the rich people that benefitted from those tax cuts simply pocketed the savings, because investments fell during the 80’s, especially the 1981-1985 timeframe. So Ray, there is simply no evidence that these 1981 tax cuts were the reason why the recession ended and was “fixed” as you put it.

continued below if approved...

Wes said...

Part 2

I’m sure you studied the new Republican Manifesto, or “purity“ test so I won’t list it here. But here are FACTS that get in the way of your stance that Reagan would pass the test with his own name on it (how ironic). I borrowed the following info from here:

Article (1) - Deficit spending soared during Reagan's presidency. Strike one.

Article (2) - As governor of California, Reagan oversaw the development of Medi-Cal, the nation's largest Medicaid program – expanding it to cover long-term care and developed massive new managed care systems. Strike two.

Article (3) - As governor of California, Reagan established the Air Resources Board to battle California's smog problems and supported aggressive government intervention where the market had failed to protect the environment. As president, Reagan signed more wilderness protections laws – which restrict private-sector exploitation of natural resources – than any president in history. Strike three.

Article (4) - Reagan was a former union president who campaigned against the Taft-Hartley Act and other restrictions of the right of unions to organize. Strike four.

Article (5) - Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, which granted amnesty to most undocumented workers who could prove they had been in the country continuously for the previous five years. After he finished his presidency, Reagan continues to speak out forcefully for immigration rights. Strike five.

Article (6) - After the 1983 bombing of a Marine barracks in Beirut, Reagan was urged by some to surge more troops into the region. Instead, he ordered the Marines to begin withdrawal from Lebanon. Strike six.

Article (7) - Reagan acknowledged that during his presidency the U.S. sold weapons to Iran. Strike seven.

Article (8) - Reagan was the first president to invite an openly gay couple to spend the night in the White House and he famously argued that gays and lesbians should not be discriminated against in a 1978 television advertising campaign. Strike eight.

Article (9) - Shortly after his inauguration as governor of California, Reagan signed into law the most liberal abortion statute of its day". Strike nine.

Article (10) - Here's Reagan, in 1991, on gun control: "I support the Brady Bill, and I urge the Congress to enact it without further delay." Strike ten.

Some of these analyses have him passing as many as four parts, which still only gets him halfway to the eight of ten needed to be a “true” conservative. Again, isn’t it ironic when facts get in the way of something you believe to be true? Almost enough evidence to change your mind? Doubtful.

It’s been fun Ray. It would be nice if you understood the topic you are discussing. Don’t just repeat some info you get from conservative sources. Chances are, they skewed in some way and need to be verified. If you took the time to understand why my comment of Obama and Reagan being similar is based in fact, you wouldn't be so quick to put your fingers in your ears and scream "NA NA NA NA, I can't hear you" and realize it wasn't an offensive comment. Good luck Ray!!!

Ray at said...

Wes. Here are some facts. please take the time to read. I will note as well, that any tax increase was due to big gov. politicians attaching tax increases to every bill that crossed his desk. Inludung defense spending bills. So to veto everything would have hurt him worse because it was a matter of strengthening our country, or weakening it. he chose the former.

Also I did some research on the whole brady bill thing. In every article and column I read, he only endorsed the brady bill when it was just a bill about the seven day waiting period, not the monstrosity it turned into. I see no problem in a waiting period either. That does not disqualify him from being a "conservative".

He may have been a former union boss, however every time I mention Reagan, union people cringe. They claim that he broke the unions, which is absurd.

Conservation bills also protect the hunter's rights. When it comes to enviromental laws. California had and still has a bad polution problem, so the fact that he may have imposed enviromental regulations may have been a good thing. I don't believe that you honestly think that conservatives are anti enviroment. We just don't think that government is the solution to everything. We also don't belive in strengthening the governments straglehold on our liberty, niether did Ronald Reagan. His record will clearly state that.

We sold weapons to Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and many other countries that turned around and bit us in the ass. My point was that Reagan was not guilty of any wrong doing. Thats a fact.

Reagan granting amnesty to illegal aliens was wrong. That point
I can conscede to you. Again, I'm not claiming him as perfect.

After reading about beriut, I went strait to thae source for the reasons. Reagan's Diary.

" As 1984 began, it was becoming clearer that the Lebanese army was either unwilling or unable to end the civil war into which we had been dragged reluctantly. It was clear that the war was likely to go on for an extended period of time. As the sniping and shelling of their camp continued, I gave an order to evacuate all the marines to anchored off Lebanon. At the end of March, the ships of the Sixth Fleet and the marines who had fought to keep peace in Lebanon moved on to other assignments. We had to pull out. By then, there was no question about it: Our policy wasn't working. We couldn't stay there and run the risk of another suicide attack on the marines. No one wanted to commit our troops to a full-scale war in the middle East. But we couldn't remain in Lebanon and be in the war on a halfway basis, leaving our men vulnerable to terrorists with one hand tied behind their backs. We hadn't committed the marines to Beirut in a snap decision, and we weren't alone. France, Italy, and Britain were also part of the multinational force, and we all thought it was a good plan. And for a while, as I've said, it had been working.

I'm not sure how we could have anticipated the catastrophe at the marine barracks. Perhaps we didn't appreciate fully enough the depth of the hatred and the complexity of the problems that make the Middle East such a jungle. Perhaps the idea of a suicide car bomber committing mass murder to gain instant entry to Paradise was so foreign to our own values and consciousness that it did not create in us the concern for the marines' safety that it should have. Perhaps we should have anticipated that members of the Lebanese military whom we were trying to assist would simply lay down their arms and refuse to fight their own countrymen. In any case, the sending of the marines to Beirut was the source of my greatest regret and my greatest sorrow as president. Every day since the death of those boys, I have prayed for them and their loved ones."

Seems pretty reasonable.

Ray at said...

Part two.

Gays should not be discriminated against. They have the right to every constitutional right that you and I enjoy. Why does that disqualify him? Do you believe that gays are not entitled to equal rights?

Abortion is wrong. I know that he apposed it as president, and I haven't researched a whole lot on his governorship, but if he signed a law that expanded abortion rights, then yes that is a strike. Again however, not claiming he was perfect, just saying he is a heck of alot better than the president we have now.

My intention with the srcastic comment was just that. sarcasim. But as usuall, because I'm part of the "dark side", I am taken literaly at every whim. I apologize. So, na na na na na!