Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Moran v. Tiahrt

New poll shows Moran widening his lead of Tiahrt. Tiahrt had closed the gap, and is still better off than he was several month ago when Moran's lead was double digits.

Moran spoke last night at the Winfield chamber's annual banquet. He's friendly, authentic and didn't get too political, other than to state his general conservative philosophy toward government and opposing to spending and bailouts going on in D.C.

Tiahrt has run far to the right, pulling Moran sometimes along with him, in this Republican primary battle. Moran, last night, talked up his anti-D.C. credentials, reminding folks that he never moved to D.C. and comes back to Hays every weekend.

Tiahrt is running as a Tea Party candidate, releasing cries of socialism and anti-Americanism and generally caught up in the ideological battles in D.C. Moran appears to be staking out a more of a down-to-earth anti-incumbent space, trying to cast Tiahrt as a politician wadding in the muck of D.C. What helps this a bit is Tiahrt being subject of an ethics investigation for relationships with a lobbying firm whose clients received government contracts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you feeling okay? I just read the story on Moran, and it actually sounded like you were praising him. A REPUBLICAN!

Did you get bit by a spider?