Monday, May 17, 2010

All aboard

Local meeting to discuss development of passenger rail next week.

I admit to being doubtful about this project when it first surfaced a couple years ago. But studies have been done and there seems to be some interest from lawmakers. And man, wouldn't it be neat to board a train and ride it to downtown KC or Fort Worth? The problem is that it would take subsidies to operate a passenger rail service, based on Amtrack service on the East Coast. Course highways are built with taxpayer funds.

We need both local legislators, Kasha Kelley and Steve Abrams, to really get out front on this, although its hard for them based on their anti-government philosophy.

This was where Greta Goodwin excelled — seeing a benefit for her district and fighting for it. Getting government money coming to our area to benefit us. It's parochial, but sometimes you gotta look out for yours.


Anonymous said...

Ed Trimmer will fight for Cowley County. Unfortunately we cannot count on either Kelley or Abrams to do so unless there is something in it for them directly.

Anonymous said...

Well we already subsidize the oil, automotive and aircraft industries!
But, if they don't make it efficient, affordable and practical it will be a waste of taxpayer dollars!
I think the future probably is in some sort of high speed mass transportation. This could be a stepping stone or another dead end!

The betting tables are now open!

Anonymous said...


I think a "Land Ferry" concept in addition also has some merit! (Take your car with you!)
But, economy of scale and logisitcs probably play a big role in making that a reality!

Anonymous said...

Man, it must be tough thinking of ways to turn every news story that even remotely deals with politics into the Kelley and Abrams bashing hour.

That's some quality journalism right there.

Anonymous said...

9:01, You noticed that too, huh? Imagine what it's gonna be like after November. The libs will be a cranky bunch then!

Anonymous said...

I went through some og your past articles (well, in the Courier), and Abrams seems to like the idea of the service. He wasn't for writing a "blank check" (one of Pelosi's favorite phrases, until last year) on the project though. When KU did their study of the economic impact to the county, and how Cowley would make $3 for every $1 spent, he was behind proceeding with the project. I haven't heard much from Kelley though. The money will have to come from somewhere. Hey, I have an idea, since you like everyoen to pay up. Why don't you suggest adding another 1 penny sales tax to pay for the train? I mean, it would be FAIR in your eyes, wouldn't it.

Anonymous said...

The editor only remembers what goes with his ideas....that's why he had conveniently forgot that Abrams was liking the idea a little more.

And to whom ever said the editor loves to turn every article into a bash of Abrams & Kelly is right on the target. I always wonder if people like him would still bash politicians if they jumped to the other party but still had the same ideologies?

I find it extremely said when people will never look past a political party and actually listen to someone else' ideas.

Anonymous said...

Uh, hello?? 901, 1126, etc

They're pubs!! Their party platform is to shrink Govt to the size of a bathtub. They are your elected leaders - if they listen to you, and you want this, and it would be good for their area, then they need to step up to the plate and swing for the fences, regardless of party.