Tuesday, May 18, 2010

School daze

A sales tax increase prevented further cuts to education for next school year, but Ron Ballard is still wary because actual cash flow could reduce state aide to local districts again, he said. Also, stimulus funding runs out next year — will the state make up that money, $550,000 for ark city public schools, or let it expire, which means more cutting in 2011-2012 school year?

Seems like state funding for schools is never a settled issue.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it AFP that is suggesting that Kansas is spending $12,000 per student on education?

I haven't seen a breakdown on how that all is accounted for if itemized. That would be interesting!

I think it would be beneficial to see where all that money goes?

Over 60% of the State budget is for education?

I wonder if it was run like a private sector business? If it would still be in business!

Maybe Home schooling will be on the rise!

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting if they could itemize the money going toward each student. We have a non-accredited private school (Kansas does not recognize the term "home school"), and teach 4 kids, 1st grade though HS Senior. I doubt we pay more than $2000 per year for all of them together. Mostly for books, registrations for the local Rec Center acivities, passes to Zoos and museums, and so on. It does work pretty well for us. It is a very time consuming activity for the parents, not for the feint of heart.

Anonymous said...

It's "faint of heart," teacher.