Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tea town?

Oh no, more than 50 percent of the poll respondents on Traveler Web site say they feel like members of the Tea Party. Hopefully they are talking about Lipton or Bigelow.


Anonymous said...

Well at least 50% probably understand that Socialism isn't America!


Socialism Doesn't WORK!

The Bailout for the EU stands at 1trillion dollars!

Greece, Spain, Portugal and the rest of the EU may hang in the balance!


The GAO just announced the budget figures for Obamas healthcare plan exceed budget by at least $115 Billion! (Many of those not covered
under the present system - just got shoved onto Medicare!)

Pretty strong (bitter) Tea!

Anonymous said...

How hilarious! Goes to show what sheep the pubs are. There is no such thing as the party as the question is worded. I imagine that was by design by the ed. to prove a point. Good one Dave, you got 'em!

Anonymous said...

"City crews continue storm cleanup"

Could someone read the story under this headline for me (home page, I think)and tell me what the story actually says about the city crews, or what they are cleaning up.

Anonymous said...

And I just voted for the 4th time. Online polls are about the most worthless source of information possible.

Anonymous said...

Anyone with their head not firmly planted where the sun doesn't shine realizes that the country is headed in the wrong direction. November will be a turning point, and 2012 will see Obama ousted as well.

Anonymous said...

November WILL be a turning point, but not in the oval office. Pubs think they've got it all figured out, I can't wait to see how they spin their huge defeat. More doom and gloom undoubtedly. Hey, you guys get your guns taken away yet? What about that amnesty thing? No??? Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

Of course not in the oval office, since Obama is not up for re-election in November. Duh! But, he will no longer have the numbers he needs to lead this country toward his socialist utopia.

Anonymous said...

Gee, he's a community organizer!
What would he be without a community?

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or do these people that claim Obama is a socialist just strike you as being stupid. From day 1 of this country, there have been "socialist" programs. They are all practical uses. Why don't they put our military in their sights if they despise socialism so much. Picket school teachers as they go to work, how about setting up a tea party stand in front of the local police and fire stations. What about their Republican elected officials? Do they protest their salary and health care? Freakin hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

Freakin hypocrites.

Yes you are!
The fact that you can't recognize socialism is probably the height of Hipocracy!
Government owned and controlled business, industry and property!
The very things that our forefathers spoke out against in the Constitution!
What is so remarkable is that the very things that people say they want - Change they can believe in - is not what is happening!
The very innovation, jobs, new businesses/industries are being held at bay by continuing the same failed plans and policies!
Promoted by key people and a Government who might lose control through a more open competition!
So the Government simply steps in and subsidizes failure and mask it as success?
Freddie and Fannie are gobbling up tax dollars to keep them afloat, there are those who simply want the Government to pay peoples mortgage payments to keep them in their homes! Who is going to pay yours or mine?
Then all those tax dollars (bailout money) that went to pay off the debt owed to the UAW by the car manufacturers?
Well alot of it went into a trust fund to be managed by the Union and pay their members benefits and caddilac healthcare premiums!
Ones the average taxpaying citizens can't even get/buy!
Guess who owns +60% of GM's stock?
They will keep their plans but you will get Socailized Medicine with Obamacare!
Then lastly, about those public officials/employees who can retire early - say in their fifties?
But, the average citizen/taxpayer can't retire till 65, 66 or 67 and soon to be 70!


Don't even get me started on the NEA - who's policies and wasted money result in a record number of drop outs and illiterates!
Education isn't about the students its about the administration and their perks!

The change YOU can Believe in?



Anonymous said...

One more thing while we are on the subject of Subsidizing failed businesses with taxpayer dollars?

I am waiting for some of those people who worked for failed banks (like Wamu or Lehman Bros.)that didn't get bailed out! To do a class action suit against the Government or Federal Reserve!
To reclaim their lost pension funds tied to those companies stocks!
Better yet why not go back and bailout/resurrect companies like Montgomery Ward or a lot of others with taxpayer money!
Then they can compete with the likes of Wal Mart, Lowes etc.
Stupid is as Stupid DOES!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that there are still people on board with Obama's agenda. I voted for him because he made lots of good sounding promises. But he has broken nearly every promise he made during his White house run and left me wondering what kind of "fundamental change" he was talking about. I have woken up and most of my friends and family that voted for him have too. We won't be fooled again.

Anonymous said...

These people are winning!

Anonymous said...

November WILL be a turning point, but not in the oval office.

From MSN:

WASHINGTON - Deep-pocketed unions, business groups and others are spending heavily in the year's early primaries, including a staggering $9.6 million to influence a Democratic Senate race in Arkansas, adding volatility to a struggle for control of Congress that has already produced its share of surprises.

The flood of money comes under campaign laws that bar coordination with the candidates and sometimes allow donors to hide their identity. Outsiders can be left guessing about the true political objective, and already, one organization has produced an ad that's drawn accusations of racism.

According to campaign professionals in both parties, these independent efforts can achieve their stated purpose — or actually hinder the candidate they are designed to help.


Who do you think those politicians are obligated to favor when it comes to determining policies?
What if you don't belong to one of those unions or groups who are bank rolling the elections?
What if their agendas for the use of Public taxpayer money?
Doesn't help you but you still have to PAY?
What a deal - rather than letting competition decide the winners and losers in society?
Just buy/sell out your way to success!


You wonder why people are so disgusted with POLITICS(icians).

Anonymous said...

Here is a good article from Motley Fool.

He was called Dr. Doom because he had predicted the events that led up to the "Great" recession! Some say he should have been called a profit!

He doesn't think the EU bailout will work - and gives three crucial ansewrs to resolve the current crisis at the articles end!

Good perspective on how excessive private sector debt and risk get Socialized!


That is Us!

Anonymous said...

President Obama is the first POTUS who was graded 1)before he ever took the oath of office 2) as he took the oath of office 3) one day in office 4) one week in office for taking his wife on a date 5) ten days in office the critical media blamed him for the budget deficit 6) 30 days in office the same media brainwashed all (biased) Americans into forgetting the President Bush bailed out banks and blamed that too on President Obama 7) further succeeded in brainwashing a willing biased America into charging the whole failed economy on 43 days of President Obama's leadership and policies which had even been effected yet 8) blamed the precious 5yrs of ineffectiveness in war on the President Obama after 50 days in office 9) can't forget the foolish and biased notion that he was going to change the American flag and 10) used all that BS to grade his first 90 days in office.

I think the United States of America deserves a President like that Whacko woman that the Republicans keep sporting around the nation - the one who can see Russia from her back door and blamed her inability to answer simple questions on foreign affairs on biased liberal media. Wouldn't it have been more credible to admit she didn't know over which foreign country that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was president?

I think you need her as president. You betcha! Someone to carry our woe is me whining and gutless heartless banter forward.

We're too lazy to try, to whiny to fight, too simple to learn and too immature to hear the truth that our condition is the result of our actions.

If we were all willing to work for what we want and do it for a reasonable pay, the banks would not exploited us, the energy companies would not have exploited us and the government would not have taxed us into national poverty.

Anonymous said...

If we were all willing to work for what we want and do it for a reasonable pay, the banks would not exploited us, the energy companies would not have exploited us and the government would not have taxed us into national poverty.


I agree that our present condition is due to our actions!
It is not all Obama or Bush's fault!
But, when the banks/lenders, car manufacturers, energy companies, unions, teachers, insurance companies and who ever else has a crisis?
Can convince you that their
"crisis" is a National Emergency?
That things can't go on or will never recover "without" their "Plan"?
Then there can be no competition because the winners and losers have already been DECIDED!

Who is going to want to play in a game where the referees decide all those winners/losers?

Then we wonder why the "Game" gets moved/played somewhere else!

I think they are right - Too big to fail Is TOO BIG!


That especially applies to the Government!

Anonymous said...

From an article on Motley Fool Today:

OK, so why not just end "too big to fail"?
The SAFE Banking Act recently came up for a vote. This amendment, which would have limited the size of bank liabilities to the $300 billion to $400 billion range, was literally "a vote to end too big to fail."

It didn't pass.

Why did 61 senators vote to preserve -- instead of fix -- the problem? It can't be because megabanks are better for the economy -- there are no efficiencies of scale in banking beyond $100 billion. Nor is it because megabanks charge lower fees to their customers -- they don't.

Instead, Donny Shaw of A New Way Forward discovered that senators who voted to perpetuate "too big to fail" received an average of $3.5 million in campaign contributions from the financial sector during their career -- twice what those who voted in favor of the bill received.

Now, 33 senators did stand up to lobbyists by voting for this amendment. But just as it's important to hold banks responsible for their failures, it's only fair that we hold politicians responsible for theirs. And the vote on this critical issue was buried in a busy news day that included the market flash crash -- presumably in order to shield the 61 senators who voted with Wall Street.


See what I mean - too many people on the Government Teat! Then add in all those other little suckers and the poor SOW can't keep up!

Better yet you can control the competition and defeat/destroy your competitors with out ever having to hit/field the ball or run the bases!