Friday, October 17, 2008

Abrams flyer

As expected, Americans for Prosperity has mailed a slick flyer for Abrams. It's a nicely done message about keeping taxes low for families. My problem with these is that Abrams gets the benefit of thousands of dollars from a group that does NOT have to report where the money came from. They slide by as a nonprofit and call these "issue ads" because it doesn't specifically endorse a candidate. But that's a laughable defense because the intent is clear. We do know that Koch Industry folks are involved in AFP ....Same goes for the Democratic leaning Kansas for Consumer Privacy Protection, who ran ads against Phill Kline in 2006 and has ties to abortion provider George Tiller.


Anonymous said...

Nicely worded comments.

Anonymous said...

It's called the 1st amendment.

And the right to protect anonymous political speech has a long history of support in American jurisprudence.

"Common Sense" was written by anonymous, originally.

I love it when the press wants to regulate free speech.

Anonymous said...

It isn't free if someone paid for it.

Anonymous said...

one more proof why campaign finance reform was a failure. Democrats are just as bad as Republicans.

Anonymous said...

The press likes whatever is slanted toward what they want especially at election time. I imagine democrats have the same thing. I'm not a fan of these types of groups either but until the politicians put a stop to it nothing we can do.

Anonymous said...

It is true that there is a long history of anonymous political speech in American history. In fact most fo the participants in the Revolution kept their identities secrete and political comments anonymous, which is why the idea of "Original intent" is so illusive. We keep hearing about putting "Strict Constitutionalist" on the Supreme Court but what does that mean? The Founders wanted the Constitution to be alive and ever expanding in the pursuit of a "More perfect Union". There is no such thing as "Original Founders Intent" in interpreting the Constitution because "anonymous" played such a major role in Constitutional history.

Anonymous said...

"no such thing as "Original Founders Intent" in interpreting the Constitution"

You must be an activist judge.

Of course there is original intent.
You only choose to believe it doesn't exist if you want an excuse to change some part of it you don't agree with.