Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I appeared on Kansas Week last week — the KPTS show that airs on Friday night and Sunday morning. We were suppose to talk about Goodwin-Abrams, but ran out of time discussing the bailout and VP debate.

Anyway, doing a little research before the show taped Friday afternoon, it seems clear that outside forces are going to weigh in heavily on this one, and that it will get very negative. Abrams is already up with a negative newspaper ad in Mulvane trying to cast Greta as a tax and spend liberal.

And this is what Senate minority leader Anthony Hemsley told me Friday when I asked about Abrams:

"The (state education) board during his tenure became the butt of jokes on late night TV. Made Kansas kind of the laughing stock of the whole county .... It's a very clear cut choice: A seasoned veteran legislator with a pretty strong record in representing her district, versus a guy out of the mainstream of most political thought."

Expect outside groups on both sides to push these negative narratives.


Anonymous said...

And you asked Hemsley, a Dem, his opinion about Abrams? What kind of answer did you actually think you were going to get; an non-partison, honest one? You are bias against Repubs, aren't you. Every blog you have posted over the past few weeks have been anti-republican. Honestly, is every republican evil in your eyes? I am not saying they are all perfect, but not every repub is bad, and every Dem is good. It really goes to show how out of touch with reality you are if you only go with one side or the other, and don't look for the best in both parties (or more, if you count the Independants). Talk about voting along party lines.

Anonymous said...

thanks, with this election Mrs. Goodwin is finished. Good riddance.

Anonymous said...

Don't stop there. Hensly is a HUGE greta lover. All of her press releases that I've seen that aren't written by her come out of his office and he has sent out a number of postcards on her behalf. That's some real sharp journalism looking to him to get comment on Greta's opponent. And saying she is a tax a spender isn't anything close to negative. All you have to do is look here if you have any doubts: you don't get much worse of a record than she has amassed.


Anonymous said...

I am very disappointed that we are stuck with a choice between a conservative philosophy that says that the Government is inherantly evil, (remember the phrase "We the People") and a sitting Senator that has a long record of abuse of power.

I feel the evidance is overwhelming that Senator Goodwin is unfit to serve any longer and that the conservative movement Mr Abrahms is a part of, is dying on the vine as the public is no longer listening to the campaign lines that have served them so successfully the last 20 years. So we are left to choose between a Senator out of the Bob Dylan song the "Lonesome Death of Hattie Carol" and a guy who is becoming phylisophically irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

This is a tough one for independents to choose. For me, I will go with Goodwin simply because of Abrams lack of respect for secular society, his lack of experience, and pretty much simply because he's republican. Republicans, whether or not they are "good" or "bad," represent a political movement that is "old school" in a time that needs an evolution to more modern thinking.

I am not saying they are all perfect, but not every repub is bad...

This is a serious question... In your eyes, which republican is "good?" (either here locally or nationally) And why do you think that?

Anonymous said...

I thought it was terrible that Goodwin took credit for the very anti-stalking law she originally opposed.

Kasha Kelly deserves the credit, and it is in very poor taste for Goodwin to use it for political gain.

Anonymous said...

"I thought it was terrible that Goodwin took credit for the very anti-stalking law she originally opposed.

Kasha Kelly deserves the credit, and it is in very poor taste for Goodwin to use it for political gain."

ditto. this is where she lost me. How could anyone with a conscience jump on the bandwagon just for a photo op? After she fought the law's passage initially.
good grief!

"Good riddance."

ditto again. what they don't realize is that regular folk out here in the countryside are not stupid. we can read, think, and decide for ourselves. I won't vote for a candidate just because they bear the party banner. If they are no good, then no vote. at least not by me.

Curious said...

Good thoughts Demodawg. Well articulated.

The choice whenever Mr. Abrahms is involved is always regarding the ultra conservative and whomever he's running against. This is not new news. Local Christian conservatives have chosen him for several years and he has completed his task orders.

I appreciate Demodawg's viewpoint that the ultra conservative movement is "dying on the vine" and hope that he/she is correct in that assessment.

This election is shaping up to totally reshape public opinion for the next generation of young people. I, for one, hope it's in favor of a more secular, more liberal, more caring and more peaceful set of decision makers

Anonymous said...

I will not get behind Abrams' creationist agenda.

Anonymous said...

Hey Seaton tell us how you really feel? It's no wonder I don't subscribe to the Travler...it's so bias against republicans and certain people in town. Honestly I'm not sure why i even get on line to check it out. It's as bad as the newspaper itself. What ever happened to the days of neutral reporting? Oh yea...it's your paper you can do what you want.

Anonymous said...

"I, for one, hope it's in favor of a more secular, more liberal, more caring and more peaceful set of decision makers"

That sounds like a vote for socialism.

I suppose health insurance should be a right. (socialism)

I suppose making too much money (or more money than you) is unfair. (Afterall, what you add to society is just as important or even more important...than say...what a veterinarian adds to society.) (again socialism)

I suppose we also need more tax money for government bailouts, schools, medicare, foodstamps and farm programs. (classic socialism)

On top of all that, my 401k has lost 15%, that isn't fair!

Even worse is the fact that life isn't fair.

It seems as though most of us, regardless of political affiliation, will agree with the unfairness of life. Life has always been unfair. Life will always be unfair. Inasmuch as a government trying to change its fairness, is a government doomed to fail.

Life is like a game of poker. Each person takes the hand that is dealt them. Some are flush in spades, others get a single high card. That doesn't mean the game is over. How are you gonna play your hand? Do you want a chance to win your hand? Or perhaps, you would rather redo the deal, change the rules, or just take some of the cards from that s.o.b. that got all the spades.

As for me? Give me a chance to win. I will fail, eventually, afterall the house always wins. But, what if, (however unlikely) for even one hand, I win. That seems like a game worth fighting for.

Anonymous said...

What political affilation would I be if I argued that one should use, as their moral compass and set of personal values, guidance from the church of their choice and then seek to get leadership in the realm of public safety, economic vitality social redeeming contributions such as quality care education (RRR) from elected public officials.

I have not heard candidate platform about how education will address engineering shortages, professional educator shortages, lagging labor wages versus national average, declining high end jobs within the state, or a proposal to maintain our infra-structure across this state.

No one speaks about energy costs and how utility rates in Kansas are further depleting household incomes. No one is talking about how to fund higher ed infra-structure and refurbishment of deteriorating buildings on the campuses.

Anyone have any thoughts on proactive legislation to preserve our natural resources and to protect the Ark River from contamination or to clean up the Walnut River?

Finally, is anyone concerned about those workers making less than $8/hr who cannot afford healthcare for their children and who are fueling the next crisis in health care simply because parents are deferring something as simple as a trip to the dentist office for preventive treatment or immunizations that threaten to allow epidemic level contagions to resurface.

If you come to church I am sure someone will preach on creationsim, sexual morality, including homosexual lifestyles and the integrity of marriage.

The government cannot fix what plagues our moral state. I am not convinced that such is the mission of government.

So what party label should I tout?

Anonymous said...

Here is an interesting bit on education reform: Wonder how our legislators feel about this nuance in funding effective education. I hope the link comes through from NY Times


Article title:
October 7, 2008, 6:00 pm
Well-Paid Teachers? I’m on Board
By Christine Gralow

Anonymous said...

I have only one experience with Greta Goodwinn. Three years ago kpts, or whatever channel it was, aired a show early one morning with her and two other politicians. People could call in and ask questions. They were screened of course. My question was simple, What can we do about illegal imigration in our area. As a resident of Ark City I was suprised to hear her say, "my constituants have not had a problem with that". She sounded offended that I had asked. The other two politicians took the question seriously and stated that Identity theft protection plans were in the works. I am not sure who she represents, but probably not me.

Anonymous said...

"thanks, with this election Mrs. Goodwin is finished. Good riddance."

I agree.

Anonymous said...

I think we're all in agreement that Greta is completely out of touch with reality and has lost any people skills she may have once had.

I happen to be a Republican but I certainly don't always vote a straight party line ticket. However, there is NO way Greta could ever, ever get my vote. I've heard the same from others -- even some who used to be in her court. And, I say "good riddance."

On top of all that, I happen to highly respect Steve Abrams. He's had a bad rep from the media who like to tear him down. He does NOT suggest teaching Christianity in public schools, but he does believe good science allows students to pursue the solution from all sides of the problem. Secularism has no place in the schools anymore than creationism.

Anonymous said...

Goodwin and Kelly both need the boot!

Anonymous said...

"Kasha Kelly deserves the credit"

Kasha hasn't done ANYTHING! How long has she been in office? What OTHER laws has she done? This was a common sense law that was a no brainer. And this law should of been passed BEFORE something bad happened. She doesn't get props from me, I want someone who is going to go in and DO SOMETHING without a hand being held.

Anonymous said...

"Goodwin and Kelly both need the boot!"

Kelley is one of the best things that has happened for our area in a long time!