Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Another downtown closure

Brown's Store is closing. This is the third long-time business to close in downtown proper in the last 18 months or so. Without Bryant's Hardware, Foster's Furniture and Brown's Store, downtown is not the place it used to be, even in modern times. Nostaglia says things are going downhill, but optimism says everything runs it course and change must take place. New businesses are coming in, too, replacing the older ones, like the leather shop, gun store, meat store and others. Just hope they can keep up.

Brown's and Bryant's in particular, really defined the character of downtown because of the historical or cultural presence. Losing Brown's is a blow.


Anonymous said...

THe City commission should vote downtown AC as a blight area. Then see what we can do to build up the downtown area, the heart of the city.

Anonymous said...

I think they voted downtown a blighted area long ago with the down town historic thing. Got a 90% tax rebate for 10 years for the owners downtown. What else can they do?

I hear the main street program doesn't allow for the city to run it. How does that work?