Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Everything in moderation?

Moderate, and the whole concept of moderation, is a virtue not a vice in life. But in the Kansas GOP, and the GOP nationally. Moderate has become a dirty word. As this Great column by Chapman Rackaway from Fort Hays State shows. This is what typically happens in a primary, just as democrats veer left, but this year the trend is acute among Republicans for the perceived influence of the tea party movement and overall dissatisfaction with Democrats in charge of congress and white house.

Once upon a time Kansas was identified with more practical Republicans - Eisenhower, Dole, Kassabaum. Now the Kansas GOP has become more linked to conservative crusaders such as Phil Kline and Sam Brownback. And if Tiahrt becomes Senator, look out. And the GOPers running for Tiahrt's seat fighting for the ultra-conservative mantle, expect one - Jean Schodorf, whose only hope is that the others will split the very conservative vote.


Anonymous said...

From the article on your post:

The biggest problem with the willingness to fight is that it is incompatible with actual governing.

Passing any piece of legislation requires cooperation and compromise among diverse interests and viewpoints.

It's one thing to talk about fighting, but when fighters get elected, they tend to get less accomplished while causing more havoc.

Pretty good description of the Super majority!

They rammed through Healthcare in dis-regard to the failing economy and the 63% who opposed it!
They want Cap and Trade and the VAT tax. Then comprehensive immigration reform at the expense of the legal, taxpaying and retired

All with no regard to the over whelming debt that will certainly put us in the ranks of Greece, Spain and Portugal and qiute possibly the whole EU!

Never in History has an administration made it so CLEAR - their GOAL is to make us a Socialist Country!

I kind of have to agree with Rush - I hope they fail and in that sense I am a radical conservative!

Anonymous said...

David, I think moderation is pretty much out the window in this time. Even people who are "conservative" are extremist in that sense.

3 a : tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions : traditional b : marked by moderation or caution conservative estimate c : marked by or relating to traditional norms of taste, elegance, style, or manners

We are a human existence of intolerance, unforgiveness and elitism. People believe that only their trip to the toilet leaves no odor.

No one listens to anyone else. Even this blog follows the patttern within our nation and world of public and political views.

Take a look at the extreme variances even with the environmental disaster. Some call for blood from BP. Others use it to downgrade the President. Some blame him for lack of governmental control while yet others curse him for governmental control when it comes to health care.

We are a world that has been wrong on so many human issues yet we all argue to be right on every human issue.

Moderation has left the house uncertain if and when it will be seen again. Not likely for another generation or more.

Anonymous said...

Addendum: First blog reply solidifies my point. Any society that can openly and proudly say, "I agree with Rush (Limbo)" on any point....

Rush L (sp) never began his career in talk radio with even a fantasy of becoming a mainstream voice. he targeted the uninvolved, uninformed population who had taken absolutely no ownership of their own lives.

He just thought he could sell enough radio ads to make a decent living off of low income antisocial types who would run out to WalMart or teh Ace hardware store adn buy the latest gadget.

Then wham, it became obvious that even teh upper middle income folks were harboring hostilities and were vulnerable to utterances of extremism.

If Rush had entertained that eh would be mainstream from the beginning, he would have certainly avoided that whole chapter of his life which was mired in prescription drug abuse.

Rush never thought anyone would take an old boy from the sticks who would pop a few pills, chase it down with a stiff drink or two and then just say any wild thing that came into his head would speak to and for most of America.

Rush had no notion that he would speak for any significant portion of mainstream, engaged, America. Yet, here he is. And his extremism is embraced by what used to be reasonable and approachable people.

We have no moderation. Or at least it's muted by extremists of all tangents.

Anonymous said...

June 2, 2010 7:54 AM

You wouldn't care to go into the details of the personal lives of alot of the the rank and file in current day politics would you?
Maybe its the immoral leading the immoral?
Ethics and moarilty are simply choices they aren't convictions by which people live their lives!
You wait till the youth who have been raised by modern day standards get control of our Government!
Maybe by the they will have succeded in silencing all their opposition?

Anonymous said...

You know what is REALLY scary ?

Dave Sr. is a registered Republican.

Anonymous said...

I have noticed a pattern on here. Every time someone mentions Rush Limbaugh, the liberals attack like wild dogs. They call him fat or a drug addict, both of which are no longer true. They even make fun of his name. What I have also noticed is that they never ever point out the flaws in his arguments, or when he was wrong about something. It is all just personal attacks. I wonder why that is?

BTW, When did liberals become the party of non-forgiveness for past transgressions? Have none of you or your family members ever been addicted to a perscription medication? A little over weight? An alcoholic? I happen to know that some of you have been down the same road.

Anonymous said...

I, too, have noticed a pattern. People who have no intelligent thought on the topic of the thread post red vs blue comments, then make it personal.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I have noticed a pattern on here. Every time someone mentions Rush Limbaugh, the liberals attack
June 2, 2010 4:14 PM

I would suggest you look a bit closer. There was no attack on Rush personal life. It was clinically stated that Rush L becoming a national mouthpiece was not the original vision or version.

Oh well, everything that does not kowtow to that opine is an attack or ignorant or something.

In contrast, I found quite significant forethought in the rebuttals. Linerals. Ignorant. Inferences of addictions to anonymous bloggers.

Those are illustrations of profound and substantive argument. Way to show everyone how it's done.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm - off topic and then personal.

Anonymous said...

I would suggest you look a bit closer. There was no attack on Rush personal life.


"Rush never thought anyone would take an old boy from the sticks who would pop a few pills, chase it down with a stiff drink or two and then just say any wild thing that came into his head would speak to and for most of America."


A thinly veiled attack is still an attack. And I wasn't just talking about this one thread, but many in the past as well.

Still not pointing out when he is wrong I notice. I am not a big fan of the man, but he tells it like it is 99% of the time.

Anonymous said...

A thinly veiled attack is still an attack. And I wasn't just talking about this one thread, but many in the past as well.

Still not pointing out when he is wrong I notice. I am not a big fan of the man, but he tells it like it is 99% of the time.

June 5, 2010 8:07 PM

OK, I concede your argument. You have a point about attacks and criticisms.

But tells it like it is????
God help us if things are as bad as Rush claims. Any interest in vetting his information versus some immutable source like the Bible?

I believe and stake my life now and into eternity that I can learn more about current events and also human nature - the nature of anyone - by reading that Bible everyday.

I find its truths to be 100%. They really do not align with your speaker. And the Bible was never meant to sell radio ads (not saying people don;t use it that way but that was never its intent or purpose)

Can we say the same about ANY radio or hot media personality? Do ratings matter to Rush L?

Anonymous said...

If you rely on your bible to be 100% accurate and truthful, you better not read too much of it. It is full of contradictions and lies.



Anonymous said...

If you rely on your bible to be 100% accurate and truthful, you better not read too much of it. It is full of contradictions and lies.

Probably never occurred to you that God speaks to the hearts of many through the words of the Bible!
Each generation has to make its choices as reflected is the Bibles stories and history. The lives contained their in give us examples of how we are to live and the consequences of disobedience!
In the end its up to you who you choose to believe - In the end God will always Win!

Times may change but the Human Condition remains the SAME!

Anonymous said...

Grace is God reaching down
Faith is man reaching up!

Anonymous said...

"Probably never occurred to you that God speaks to the hearts of many through the words of the Bible!"

Yeah, it did when I was 5. I also believed in Santa and the Easter bunny back then too. But then I read the bible, and had questions. Questions my pastors could not answer to my satisfaction. Questions about why the bible would contradict itself and the laws of the universe and science that we live by. God is a man made myth to explain the unknown back then, and to lessen the fear of death today. Not to mention that religion is a great tool to control people and also to make lots and lots of money. Jesus saves.. but only after I get paid!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Probably never occurred to you that God speaks to... June 7, 2010 8:46 AM

It is pointless to argue with someone who starts out telling you that the Bible is not truth or is a contradiction. When they are ready to hear they will.

This is, however, the reason that Rush L has such a following. Whether the atheist realizes it or not, everyone needs something or someone to believe in.

Hence, they substitute Rush Limbagh or some web site (of course we know they are all reliable) for the Bible. Only because they need SOMETHING to believe in.

Let them.

Anonymous said...

I believe in the flat Earth.

Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;

MAT 4:8

Anonymous said...

lol. good one.

Anonymous said...

I believe in the flat Earth

Be it flat or round!

The God of the Bible (My God)

Anonymous said...

I think it's round. That's just my opinion. Sorry your bible doesn't support that.