Wednesday, June 9, 2010


This isn't an issue that comes up much around here — virtually no Jewish people at all in Cowley County. But Helen Thomas' "back where they came from" comment about Jews in Isreal was bigoted and insensitive, as Cal Thomas points out. And I rarely agree with Cal Thomas.

The point that she was apparently trying to make is one that seems to underscore the entire Mid-east conflict: How do you resettle a country with Jewish refugees immigrants under an ethnic and religious framework, and still uphold the rights of the people who where already there - the Palestinians.

It seems an impossible task - which is why it seems there is no end in sight to the Israel - Palestinian problem.


Anonymous said...

Helen probably made the same mistake as Jimmy The Greek!

Never let down your guard with any news/media or during personal interviews!

It's better to be a reporter of News or Sports if thats your job - than to be in the News!

In other words your opinions don't belong even if asked - where your job is to review/represent and report all the facts!

Anonymous said...

7:46 Well Said

Anonymous said...

Wonder where those two posts were headed??

Anonymous said...

Its only been a year or two since I read a good article on Russia!
Putin was offering all kinds of incentives for Russian women to have more children! The women weren't buying it cause it was too expensive and difficult to raise children in Russia!
Meanwhile, there were predictions of vast areas of that country becoming uninhabited because of the declining an aging population!
They would not allow immigation due to their desire to keep their original heritage pure!
Putin turned to the youth as a means of altering their future!

Too bad they always choose to prey on the innocent to try to make/meet their own agendas!