Monday, June 28, 2010

Tiahrt needs surge

The latest SurveyUSA poll shows Moran still leading Tiahrt big. Tiahrt today announced that Fox News personality Sean Hannity had endorsed him. He also touts the Palin endorsement on his Web page.

If these numbers hold, it will be a clear loss for the Tea Party efforts. Tiahrt his throwing all he's got at Moran, but nothing seems to stick. Of course anything can change in a month, but you'd think Moran's numbers would go down by down.


Anonymous said...

How can electing a conservative over another conservative be a clear loss for the Tea party efforts? Tea party people are all about who best exeplifies conservatism. Now, if a liberal were to be elected, I'd call that a clear loss for the tea party efforts. I'd also call that a cold day in hell.

Anonymous said...

hee hee. It's funny that the TEA party poster at 5:23pm has no idea why this would be considered a loss.

Anonymous said...

Baggers have repeatedly proven themselves to be less intelligent than the average sack of bricks.

Anonymous said...

hee hee. it's funny that the liberal poster at 9:27 has no idea what the Tea Party stands for.

The TeaParty is not about forming a group who will all vote the same way and do whatever some talking head tells them to do. Being a Tea Party member means voting for the candidate who best exemplifies conservative values and follows the constitution. As long as any conservative beats out a liberal, that is a HUGE victory. You will see a lot of that in November.

Anonymous said...

hee hee. Conservative TEA bagger thinks the TEA party is more than 20% of the GOP and actually has influence on a national scale.

Anonymous said...

hee hee. It's funny that each person that aligns themselves with the TEA party has a different definition for what the GOP sect stands for.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:14
That one actually is funny. Refer to commenter @5:03 for explanation.

Anonymous said...

hee hee. It's funny that the GOP is going to take back control in November and the White House in 2012.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure liberals have differing definitions of what the word "liberal" means as well. That's the whole idea of not following any one person.

Anonymous said...

Not as long as the baggers continue to tear the gop apart. Every bagger candidate makes it that much harder for the GOP november dream.

Man, that November and 2012 rambling isn't getting old, is it? OK, what will gops do after Nov doesn't go their way? Will they be quiet, or say "Wait til 2012."

Wait, they're already waiting for 2012. What happens after your best candidate flops in '12? It will be "wait til Nov '14."

We get it. Elections and midterm elections happen in Nov every couple of years. We HAVE to wait for them.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait till November when we can shut these radicals up. Don't you have a soup kitchen line to be hanging out in or something? Shouldn't you be out waiting for your Messiah to reach out with his loving hands and give you some of the money the richer people worked hard to make? Damn moochers and parasites. Get a job. But you better hurry before Obummer passes amnesty.

SG said...

"Not as long as the baggers continue to tear the gop apart. Every bagger candidate makes it that much harder for the GOP november dream."
That's funny, because today's USA Today has a front page story saying that after only a year and a half since the Tea Party began, three out of every ten people in America consider themselves Tea Party supporters.

Here's the article:

And there is a good poll on the left side of the page about who makes up the tea party and what they stand for.

I think you folks on the left underestimate the backlash against the socialist direction this country has taken since Obama took office. And yes, I think you will see CHANGE in November. at least I HOPE you do.

Anonymous said...

If the county KRA expert is correct then Jr. needs to do his homework.

Moran is actually the more conservative of the 2. He voted against cash for clunkers.

Ray at said...

When have bricks ever come in a sack? Good God man! Woman? They come in bundles of 100. of course, people thought a good president came wrapped in Obama too, but I digress.