Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cha-cha-cha change

Call me crazy, but I see parallels between Scott Brown's win in Mass, and the GOP resurgence, and local elections over the last few years. This column shows that independent voters probably voted for Brown for the same reason they favored Obama - they want things to change in D.C. and government in general. There's a feeling that things aren't working and new people are needed.

Now let's recall the last three Ark City City Commission races.
in 2004, you had the top vote getter being a complete novice on the scene in Joel Hockenbury, second top-voter-getter was Patrick McDonald. Both ran on change and defeated incumbent Jerry Hooley. Incumbent Arleta Rice barely hung on to a two year term.

Then in 2006 you had a near political earthquake in Ark City, with Mel Kuhn, Dotty Smith and Scott Margolius running as an unofficial slate "three amigos" and defeating incumbent Janet English. It was a populist uprising with amigos running against the status quo - remember parking in yards, the TIF proposal and fire district controversy? The three winners ran against an out of touch status quo.

Then in 2008 you had complete reversal, back to more establishment candidates with Margolius losing his seat to Jay Warren and Jean Snell. Incumbent Patrick McDonald won, but he was really running against the power held by the three amigos.

Voters nation wide voted for change in 2006, 2008 and they will again in 2010. It will be a switch to the GOP this time.

So what does this mean?

Voters, for a long time now, don't have confidence and faith their elected leaders. Nothing could turn this around more than a growing economy with full employment. Perhaps 2012 will be different?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think voters are tired of empty promises. They are tired of sending people in to represent them and hear their concerns and only to be forgotten about. People are paying more attention to what their elected officials are or are not doing on all levels of government.

I do think(hope) that people are voting LESS on party affiliation and more for the person who will actually try to work for them. I see more people becoming independents because they are tired of party lines and the rise of division instead of unity in trying to accomplish anything.

I also see Obama being defeated in the next big election if he doesn't start providing some action. Yes he's a nice enough guy and he says what people want to hear but not a lot is getting done otherwise.