Monday, January 11, 2010

Death debate continues

Ray, at, counters on the death penalty:

Pro death advocates want to keep on demand abortion available and let murderers live. There is no moral standing for this argument. Conservatives are on the right side of this arguement. And don't give me the arguement about rape and incest. They make up less than 1% of all pregnancies.

The problem here is that most pro-lifers use religious, or spiritual grounds to argue life begins at conception. There is no scientific evidence for such. How can the state let a person destroy that life, created in the image of God? they say.

Well, how can the state ITSELF destroy a life, created in the image of God. If it's because that person went bad, then the religious/God argument must be discarded because God is the ultimate judge and anybody can be "saved."


Anonymous said...

I checked out that dudes blog called "Common Sense Politics" and wondered why there was no common sense used in his blogs.

Common sense tells you that if you support killing people, you are pro-choice and anti-death penalty. Common sense tells you that if you are a member of the GOP, and you hold all the right beliefs that would qualify you from being persecuted by your own kind, you would know that "an eye for an eye" was ABOLISHED by Jesus of Nazareth (as well as divorce). Pro-death penalty Christians on their second, third, or fourth wife make me laugh...hee hee

Ray at said...

You are correct about the people that use religion to argue their point about abortion, however I try to stay away from using religion because I beleive that the relationship between god and myself is a personal one, therefore I don't debate religious arguements. Most christians will argue among themselves about who is right and wrong, leaving themselves open for the divide and conquer technique. If we talk about the scientific aspect of life, all evidence points to conception as the start of life. Sperm are alive. Are they not? maybe not in the sense of thinking and feeling, but alive never the less. When the egg is fertalized, the fetus begins to grow. Another sign of life. Then after a few weeks, the heart starts to beat. We are talking mere weeks and the child has a heart beat! Thats life!
When we think of the most precious and innocent among us, we think of children. Do we not? Why then do the states beleive that abortion is neccessary? I understand the whole women's rights thing. But what about the children? Something else I don't understand is why most Liberals look at the issue of abortion as the most important issue there is. Would it be so bad to not have it around? I don't think so. Abortion as a form of birth control is dead wrong. There is no debate on that. When you have to abort a pregnancy because of an Ectopic pregnancy (Tubal pregnancy) one can understand. The child cannot live but the mother can. Save the mother. As far as the death penalty thing goes. My personal opinion is that if there is someone that can't stop themselves from murdering others then put them to death. I'm not going to argue the whole God is judge, eye for an eye stuff. I just believe that murderers should be put to death. Period! We have no use for those type of people. Not even for research.

SG said...

I simply cannot understand the liberal thinking that it is okay to kill innocent babies, yet it's not okay to kill evil people who have killed someone else. Can someone please explain that to me?

And you can forget the whole pro abortion argument that the babies aren't really babies until they are born, because I'm not buying that. Some late term abortions are done just weeks or even days before birth.

Even if you manage to convince yourself that they aren't really babies, ask yourself this: what do you get if they are left to their own devices and not killed? Answer: BABIES!

end of argument.

Ray at said...

I didn't argue anything about religion, and I sure didn't state anything about the GOP. I am a conservative. Thats it. I have been disapointed with the GOP for a while now. Before making assertions that are not true, please check your feelings at the door.

Anonymous said...

Likewise, I did not say anything about religion OR the GOP, since I am a registered Independent and an atheist.

Kinda ruins your stereotyping of conservatives, don't it.

Ray at said...

Aparently "anonymous" does not read his previous blogs before making more assertions. The word GOP is in his first blog along with Jesus, Eye for an Eye, and the word christian, but then he says that he didnt mention anything about the GOP or religion.

SG said...

Sorry Ray, that was me who wrote the 7:36 post about not mentioning the GOP or religion, but I hit the post button before signing my name. And since it takes the blog owner SO LONG TO POST THINGS!!!! I didn't get to corect it till it showed up.


David, why not turn off the censorship and let people have discussions? That is the only reason JJ's blog is better than yours...he actually let's people have real time debate.

Ray at said...

Sorry about that SG.

Anonymous said...

JJ suspended his blog for awhile.