Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Strother-County brotherhood

This makes total sense. Cowley County government is the largest taxing entity over Strother Field, but has no voice or input on the Strother Commission. Having the county work with the cities to operate/build up the area's largest industrial park is another good step in intra-county cooperation. County officials are downplaying the funding issue, but Winfield City Commissioner Phil Jarvis put it pretty bluntly — Strother Field leaders want more help from the county in maintaining the industrial park/airfield.


Anonymous said...

I am trying to see the sense of it. The county collects about 2/3 of its taxes from the cities of Arkansas City and Winfield, but how much of that money is returned to them?

More importantly, the county has had to raise taxes several times over the last few years and has had a number of issues with paying for the new jail. With all the proof of them not being able to handle money why would we want them to have control of the biggest economic factor in the county?

Maybe we do want to let the government run everything, but I personally would much rather keep it limited and let Arkansas City and Winfield argue over each detail to get it right.

Anonymous said...

DITTO, 2:13pm, I totally agree with you!