Friday, January 22, 2010

Death debate continues

Man it's hard to argue against a family that's gone through what they have.

I've always wondered just how much weight jurors/judges do or should put on the opinions of family members. They don't always come down on the side of the death penalty, but some seem to.


Anonymous said...

Sadly I think all the state will look at is $$$ not what is right/wrong. I believe if any of my representatives or senator vote to abolish the death penalty they will NOT be getting my vote at the next election.

If there was a big flaw in the system that required the death penalty to be revised that's different but when you abolish it to save $$ you are a sorry sorry person.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above poster. Any of my representatives who votes to abolish the death penalty in Kansas will not be getting my vote next time they are up for election.