Friday, January 8, 2010

Tax exemptions gone awry

Good editorial by the Hutch News on why eliminating some tax exemptions should be part of the budgeting solutions in Topeka this year. It sounds like whoever asked for an exemption got one, in recent years.

Parkinson should convene a bipartisan budget solutions commission of lawmakers and finance experts to find the best way to confront the shortfall. (Not my original idea, but makes all kinds of sense. In fact he probably should have done this a while ago.)


Anonymous said...

The GOP in Kansas would serve us citizens well by abandoning their stances on pro-business and anti-middle class and lower policies in order to sustain our state through this difficult time.

Ray at said...

First of all, Conservatives are not anti middle class smart one! At what point will you guys wake up and see that there is no wrong in making profit? If everyone becomes "anti business", then how in the world will we get any jobs to work. Its common sense people! Good grief! It seems like alot of people in society today wants to have loads of money, just not the "big businesses." If you guys can't figure out that businesses have to make a good profit, have incentive to do so, and be able to compete on a global level, then maybe you should go to a good economics course and learn why it is business that creates jobs, not the worker! Study capitalism and learn from it. It is what our economy runs on. Conservatives want everyone to have the opportunity to get rich and be successful. Your solution seems to want all the successful people to be brought down to the "middle class" level. Whatever that means. The Soviet Union had the same mantality and look what happened.