Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Drugs in Ark City

Here's editorial I wrote on the drug bust. I don't think we have much idea how bad, or not so bad, our illegal drug problems are in town.

From a personal perspective, there was an arrest two houses down from mine. And then we have the residence near the Traveler, which is two blocks from my house, condemned as a meth lab. Makes one a little nervous about where one lives, especially with three young kids.


SG said...

The only way to measure the drug problem is the number of arrests made for drugs. So, it really depends on whether the police are effectively battling the problem or not. Some towns might not think they have a drug problem simply because the police never catch anyone. I do think this mexico connection shows that we have (or hopefully HAD) a big problem here with trafficking up from the South. Thanks to the LE Agencies for doing their part in stopping it.

Anonymous said...

Didn't we learn anything from prohibition? The reason there is crime associated with drugs is because it is illegal. Legalize it, tax it, and use the revenue to discourage its use. Bootleggers set up shop in rural areas so it is no surprise that drug dealers do as well.

SG said...

I could actually go along with legalizing marijuana, but you are always going to have people who use the harder drugs, and I and the vast majority of people in this country would never go along with legalizing the likes of Heroin or methamphetamine.

That would be a huge mistake.

SG said...

And just for the record, NO, I have never tried marijuana, or any other illegal drug.

ray said...

If we can harvest the THC into a pill form, then great. But to legalize the every day use of it through smoking it is insane. I know the whole arguement about alcohol being legal and all, but look at how wide spread it is. During prohibition, evryone drank alcohol so it was hard to stop, the use of weed is far less and easier to control if we would actually crack down on it. Just because people do it doesn't mean its ok. Some will disagree but I think compounding one bad behavior with another is risky.