Friday, January 8, 2010

Death Penalty

Abolish it? Courier editorial says yes.

Brownback toyed with the idea in the past. Gotta respect him for that. It has always seemed to me a blatant contradiction by pro-lifers to abhor abortion but support the death penalty.

If one is playing God, so are both. How do you know that even folks like Jeffrey Dahmer can't be "saved." If you kill him, then aren't you taking life prematurely?


SG said...

Kansas should abolish the death penalty.

The death penalty is wrong because it is not always just.

(Is an eye for an eye not "just"? Paying for your crime is not just?)

It is wrong because the criminal justice system is flawed and needs fixing.

(No doubt the system is flawed by greed and politics.. how would you suppose we fix it?)

It is wrong because the courts are poorly qualified to draw the line between mental illness and mental health.

(That is simply not true. That is why phsycologists are used to examine suspects before they are tried. If they are found to be wanting in the intellect department, they are sent to the nut hatch instead of prison)

It is wrong because the Kansas law requires the death penalty if aggravating and mitigating factors balance. This allows arguments that did not prevail, to prevail.

(What? Are they just trying to be confusing?)

It is wrong because its administration can be cruel and unusual.

(Let's see.. the inmate is given an injection like a person would receive before going into surgery to knock them out so they feel no pain, and only THEN are they given the injection that stops their heart. I BET THEIR VICTIMS WISH THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO DIE A PAINLESS DEATH SUCH AS THIS COMPARED TO THE TERROR THEY WENT THROUGH!!!)

The case for keeping the death penalty rests on the heinous crimes for which those on death row were convicted. If this is our reason, we are engaged in public drama.

(What are they trying to say?? That the death penalty exists to entertain us? If so, that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard!)

Justice should be found in the cool of the head, not the heat of the heart.

(Let's see how cool the author's head is when one of their family members is brutally murdered! It's obvious that this liberal hippie knows absolutely NOTHING about crime, and has never been personally affected by it. The evil that some humans inflict on others deserves a harsh response. Much harsher than what is dealt out by our justice system. If it were up to me, the guilty party would be killed in a similiar manner to how their victim(s) died! Slow and painful! They get off light as it is now.

Rehabilitation? That truly shows your ignorance on the subject David.

Definition af a liberal: Someone who will march for the right to kill babies, and hold candle light vigils for serial killers.

Anonymous said...

A cobvicted murderer was once an innocent baby. Someone chained and padlocked themselves to the undercarriage of an expectant mother's car to deter her from getting an abortion. They didn't aovid someone taking his/her life. They only delayed it long enough for the innocent baby to grow up, become a sociopath and brutally kill some other innocent baby's mother/father/sister/brother.

Who could've known.
More importantly, isn't there someone with more wisdom about life and death than us to overseethe matters of life and death.

Ray at said...

The difference is this. Pro lifers want to preserve and protect innocent lives, and put to death the ones who are deserving of it. Murderers! To date I know of only a few ways to receive the death penalty and in court its pretty hard to get that kind of verdict, but in an abortion clinic, death happens 1.5 million times a year! Conservatives would like to reverse this catastrophy. Pro death advocates want to keep on demand abortion available and let murderers live. There is no moral standing for this argument. Conservatives are on the right side of this arguement. And don't give me the arguement about rape and incest. They make up less than 1% of all pregnancies.

Come and see.

Anonymous said...

I guess I don't understand why so many liberals are more worried about convicted killers than a innocent baby.

Anonymous said...


You are comparing abortion to the wrong group.

Aborted babies should be compared to slavery NOT convicted murderers.