Friday, January 29, 2010

Wingnut of the Week

Goes to Scott Roeder, and his terrorist brethern, who attempt to justify killing abortion providers to prevent abortions. He was convicted today of first degree murder.


Ray at said...

Come on dave. Quit using the word terrorist to define the people who defend this guy. He is a murderer, not a terrorist. To use that word is to dilute the purpose for which we are at war. It's a shame how easy this country has started to use that word for other means than what it actually is.

Anonymous said...

I think the judge should have let the jury decide on the voluntary manslaughter. With the choices he gave the jury there was no choice but to convict of the only crime on the table. I think he left it open to appeal by not letting the jury decide.

Anonymous said...

Who was the Big WINNER?

The ones who lives were cut short?
The ones who had the abortions?
The Doctor who performed the
The person who felt it a self- appointed maybe even a God appointed mission to stop it!
The taxpayer who will pay for justice to be served?


I just can't seem to see ANY!

Anonymous said...

How about the mothers who took their babies to term because there was no one else in the Wichita area who would kill a late term, viable baby for a reason of convenience. Some of them may have a blessed bundle of joy that they couldn't imagine letting any harm come to now that they have looked it in the eye.

Abbreviated said...

One lone loon doesn't have any brethren.

I agree with Ray.

Knock it off Junior.

You want to end up like your dad ? The liberal nut falling not far from the tree ? Get out of his shadow & form your own opinions. You aren't on the left coast anymore.

You basically invalidated your whole wingnut of the week theory which only had one leg to stand on & now it has none. So now your chair is on the ground.