Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Scott Roeder

Scott Roeder is a murderer and even a terrorist, but why wouldn't he be free to argue whatever defense he wanted to in court? The judge in the case will let him claim involuntary manslaughter and then decide whether the jury has that option.


Anonymous said...

Terrorist? I think it has become far too easy for some people to throw the word "Terrorist" around, and it lessens the impact when using it to describe an actual terrorist. Roeder had a person in mind who, he believed, was committing attrocities against mankind. The only way he saw to make this man stop, since the government authorities would not, was to take matters into his own hands. No matter if his thinking was right or wrong, it is not terrorism, and you should not be so quick to use that term.

Ray at said...

Dave. He is free to argue any defense he wants. There are laws that must be followed however.

Lagonda said...

This is such a fascinating place that presents the most amazing ironies. Many of these are bounded by religion.

So the argument is: because Roeder killed someone who performed abortions, Roeder is not subject to the death penalty, even though it is clearly premeditated murder.

Shot Tiller with a hand gun right out in front of God and everybody (if you know what I mean).


That sure is something to think about.

Could that apply to insurance company execs who deny life-saving coverage? Can you justifiably kill them?

Tobacco execs? They kill a bunch of folks as part of their business, too. How about them?

Every Halloween, there are nutty folks in town that say it supports witchcraft, and even the cops have said that there are witches in town. Must be true. Exodus 22:18 says: "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live".

How about that? Can we kill witches in Ark City?

But Roeder shouldn't get the death penalty.


Anonymous said...

"Roeder the hero" to whack jobs... "Roeder the terrorist" to those that understand the meaning of the word.

I guess to some people, you have to be Muslim in order to qualify.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe anyone would defend the actions of Roeder. He does deserve the death penalty!

Anonymous said...

Main Entry: ter·ror·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈter-ər-ˌi-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 1795
: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion

— ter·ror·ist \-ər-ist\ adjective or noun

Since when did killing a person become a terrorist act? Was Lee harvey Oswald a terrorist? How about John Wilks Booth? Mark David Chapman? James Earl Ray? The guy who shot up the Denny's in Killeen, Tx.? The gang member who killed the other gang member in Wichita, or South Central LA, or New York? They all killed someone because their beliefs told them to, yet they are not labeled as terrorist. But then, you liberals would probably label our country's soldiers terrorists as well, so I shouldn't be surprised.

And I never said Roeder was a hero. Am I glad Tiller will not be doing any more late term abortons? Yes I am. But I wish he were sitting in jail instead of someone having to take the law into their own hands. If your liberal representatives in the government had done their job, he'd still be alive.

Anonymous said...

Here's a definition of terrorist rather than terrorism:

ter·ror·ist [ térrərist ] (plural ter·ror·ists) noun

somebody using violence for political purposes: somebody who uses violence, especially bombing, kidnapping, and assassination, to intimidate others, often for political purposes

or this one:
someone who uses violent action, or threats of violent action, for political purposes

The dictionary you cite does not even define the word "terrorist."

Now, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter or I can see why you would want to avoid admission of how Roeder's intent was political.

You pose some questions:
Was Lee harvey Oswald a terrorist? Yes, it was a political killing so it qualifies by definition.

How about John Wilks Booth? yes

Mark David Chapman? No, he was just a religious nut job that was angry that Lennon said jokingly that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus.

James Earl Ray? If he did it to slow the civil rights movement, then yes.

The guy who shot up the Denny's in Killeen, Tx.? Actually it was "Luby's." No, serial killer more likely.

The gang member who killed the other gang member in Wichita, or South Central LA, or New York? Yes, by definition. Even though these types of killings are not done for "normal" political reasons, they would be done for "street politics," would they not? liberals would probably label our country's soldiers terrorists as well... I'm no liberal ( use it as a dirty word...), but yes, if they torture a prisoner (with or without orders), kill "civilians" on purpose and with intent, drag bottles of water behind Hummers while thirsty kids run trying to get a drink and then shoot them. Etc., etc., etc.

Anonymous said...

typical liberal garbage. Just admit it.. you hate America. Why don't you move?!