Thursday, January 14, 2010

The never crowd.

Rep. Kasha Kelley and Senator Steve Abrams, echoed other GOPers in opposition to Parksinon's tax increase proposals.

The problem is that for these two, and other staunch conservatives, there is NEVER a time to raise taxes. The both signed pledges to never vote for a tax increase. They HAVE to oppose any revenue increases. This gets them votes, and it follows their principals of fiscal conservatism, but it's not responsible governance. It leaves no middle ground and practically shuts off discussion.

If there are no revenue increases to off set cuts, USD 470 will be cutting some 15 people, not to mention the cuts in after school already in place.


Anonymous said...

Yes and education is NOT the place to cut!!! Schools already are limited with their funding and everything is tight and when you take away the money there is no place to go! Only the kids of this state are going to suffer when you take funds away!

Anonymous said...

He got elected on that stance (by a MAJORITY of voters), and apparently he is going to stand by his word. Spineless he is not.

Imagine that...a politician who does what he says.

You can love him or you can hate him...but his actions do demand respect. Afterall, in the end all a man has is his word.

Ray at said...

Oh yes. Use the kids again! Please! Come up with a different argument. Go to and look at the way I view education. Libs always use children for an excuse to screw us out of more money, yet middle school and high school education can't compete with europe or asia, and they spend less money on education. You people make me ill.