Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The sad truth

Politics has become, more than ever, about partisan competition rather than principled leadership. Especially among Republicans at the moment because they taste electoral victory.This column illustrates the point.


Anonymous said...

Are you serious??? you think just now and it's republicans? your memory is very short about how the democrats were so against bush and provided him NO, Zip, Zero Zilch support. Don't blame it all on Republicans friend. Democrats have done their fair shair of NOT getting along.

Anonymous said...

The sad truth is that Government has done a miserable job of fulfilling its intended obligations to the public! (Its role as a referee.)
In many areas Government has failed to keep up with the times and changes in Society and Business.
You should read some of the more recent articles regarding the Governments failures to regulate a more modern and advanced business environment.
Some of the Laws like the ones regarding Trusts or Monopolies should have been updated to protect consumers and investors from the very things that have happened in the last few years.
(Businesses that were to big to fail.)
No they shouldn't go overboard when regulating business or investing.
But, they shouldn't set on their hands with antique laws either in a more complex world! Or throw out the ones they had because they didn't think they worked or were obsolete!

Anonymous said...

Btw: Like any other organized competition all the parties need to know the rules and their respective roles.
The same applies to Government!
It needs to quit trying to be a competitor and resume its place as a referee!

Anonymous said...

The appearance of President Obama at the GOP Congressional dinner was something that should happen more often. I don't know about anybody else, but it was refreshing to see two sides of the spectrum get together at a "civil" event. Although most of the questions posed were more like talking points or "loaded" (or attempts to look good in the eyes of right-wing voters), it was great to see the Presidents plea for assistance from opposition in this country's time of need.

There is no doubt that many on the right will argue that the private sector will iron everything out and federal spending only adds to the problem. I can't tell if they actually believe this or just espouse it to capture support from those that don't believe Obama is our elected President. It was OK, to have a "stimulus" and bank bailout under W. Bush, but somehow it is "evil" and socialistic to have one under Obama? Economists on both sides agree that tax cuts and federal spending are two sure ways to get out of recessions.

I agree, it certainly has turned ugly. I think Obama shredded the GOP questioners that tried to set him up with their questions. He didn't use hateful words, misleading half-true statistics, or playing to fear (all of which are being employed against him) to shred them but rather speaking the truth and a plea to common sense.

The crowd that reads this blog will probably disagree with my assertion that the GOP looked foolish after this event, but I stand by it. As an independent voter, it is easy for me to see that the country can not be conservative at this ever-changing time. Times call for change and if one waits for the private sector to solve or correct a problem, they will have a long wait. There has always been national debt in prosperous times and in recessions, under both parties.

Anonymous said...

Obama is our elected President. It was OK, to have a "stimulus" and bank bailout under W. Bush, but somehow it is "evil" and socialistic to have one under Obama?

You better go back and look at who was opposing the bailouts! It didn't matter if Bush or Whoever was in office - The majority of general PUBLIC was NOT in favor of the Bailouts.
Just like in recessions or in good times WHO's THE BEST AT WASTING MONEY AND MISAPPROPRIATING FUNDS? I give you a Hint it starts with a G!