Friday, January 15, 2010

Wingnut of the Week

Goes to .....

Pat Robertson (You knew this was coming) for saying Haiti gets pummeled by natural disasters and other problems because the native people made a deal with the devil to gain freedom from French slavery.

I'd put Rush Limbaugh on here, too, for saying that if Obama responds strongly to Haiti it makes him look like a good guy and the U.S. shouldn't help Haiti much. But if I include Limbaugh, Beck, etc. in those eligible for Wingnut of the Week, they'd get the award every time.


Ray at said...

Perception is reality. I have no doubt that Obama meant every word he said when he s[poke of Haiti. But if you don't think he capitalized on a political move, your crazy. Pat roberts was an idiot to say what he did. Thats just as bad when reverand Wright said the same thing about America on 911. Both were stupid statements. And since we are on the wingnut cadidate list, don't forget about Kieth Olberman, Ed Schultz, Chris Mathews, Al Frankin, Barney Frank, and Nancy Pellosi. She really deserves to be on there.

Anonymous said...

Let's make the mistake by assuming Ray and Limbaugh are correct and Obama spoke to capitalize on some political points with "dark and light skinned black people" (to quote Limbaugh). Why wouldn't Obama also go after the medium skinned people as well? Can he afford to isolate them while he's scoring political points??? I say...Not in this polarized political climate!!!

Anonymous said...

You obviously missed the attempt a humor by Limbaugh when he made the "dark and light skinned" comment. He was referencing Harry Reid's comments about Obama being light skinned and not speaking with a "negro dialect".

That's what happens when you take quotes out of context.

Anonymous said...

Attempt at a joke? Really? I read the transcript of the Limbaugh comment, it wasn't funny nor taken out of context.

RUSH: Yes, I think in the Haiti earthquake, ladies and gentlemen — in the words of Rahm Emanuel — we have another crisis simply too good to waste. This will play right into Obama’s hands. He’s humanitarian, compassionate. They’ll use this to burnish their, shall we say, “credibility” with the black community — in the both light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country. It’s made-to-order for them. That’s why he couldn’t wait to get out there, could not wait to get out there.

Hmmmm...speaking of taking out of context...when Rahm Emanuel said "..a crisis is too good to go to waste...," was he referring to Haiti? Or was it much earlier about the financial crisis?

Anonymous said...

You are still taking the "light or dark skinned" remark out of context.

He included it as a jab to Harry Reid because of the quote Reid was attributed a day or two before from the book "Game Change".

Anyone who can't understand that just isn't listening.